Six-pack Linked Sudokus #5
(Eingestellt am 24. März 2021, 20:34 Uhr von Genomico)
Another six-pack linked sudokus puzzle, consisting of six different variants of 6x6 sudokus, which are all linked together by circles.
A circle must contain one digit from 1 to 5 and indicates the difference of the two adjacent cells.
Clues outside the grid (not in circles) belong to the specific sudoku variant.
Normal 6x6 sudoku rules apply to all sudokus, so every row, column and region must contain the digits 1 to 6. The different variants in the puzzle:
- 1) Skyscraper: rules.
- 2) Search 6: Every arrow is pointing at number 6 in the respective row or column. The number in the arrow is the distance (with respect to the number of cells) from the arrow to the 6.
- 3) 1-is-a-liar: From each pair of digits outside the grid, only one must be placed in one of the first two cells in the respective row or column.
- 4) Next-to-6 sum: Clues outside the grid indicate the sum of all direct neighbours of the digit 6 in the respective row or column.
- 5) Increasing: On every black line the digits are ascending from one end to the other end.
- 6) Little killer: rules. Digits may repeat on the diagonal.
The puzzle is also available on Penpa. Enjoy solving! :)
Lösungscode: The row with the 18 circled digits in the middle of the grid, followed by the 1st row of the skyscraper sudoku and the 4th row of the 1-is-a-liar sudoku. 30 digits in total.
Zuletzt geändert am 19. Oktober 2021, 21:07 Uhr
Gelöst von Greg, moleman, jchan18, Krokant, Zzzyxas, r45, Willy Wonka, marcmees, NikolaZ, bakpao, DiMono, Uhu, RJBlarmo, moss, Mark Sweep, Dandelo, ehollins, wilsig, ManuH, Jaych, tinounou, Jesper, ibag, ... ancarro, johnyzzh, Blake Saligia, kishy72, dunder, Simon919, Scarred99, flaemmchen, Silverstep, godoffours, emeryt, Luaryo, DaleVandermeer, saoer, lukeyy, Fenn, Lala_yqz, teuthida, aqefwf, TVDK
am 18. Januar 2022, 08:37 Uhr von Playmaker6174
Very fun solve! Each mini puzzle has its own remarkable moment :)
am 14. Mai 2021, 20:16 Uhr von Strosahl
Zuletzt geändert am 14. Mai 2021, 04:22 Uhram 14. Mai 2021, 03:36 Uhr von Strosahl
In the 'Next-to-6-sum', is it all 4 orthogonally connected cells (assuming it's not on an edge), or just the 2 on either side in the row or column?
Reply: It's just the 2 on either side in that row/column.
am 28. März 2021, 10:59 Uhr von ibag
Nach wie vor: eine tolle Serie!
am 25. März 2021, 05:34 Uhr von Krokant
Another great entry in the series. Lovely puzzle(s), as always. :)