Lösungscode: Zeile 5, Spalte 5
am 22. Oktober 2023, 04:42 Uhr von DiMono
Fixed puzzle link
am 20. März 2021, 05:32 Uhr von DiMono
Better German translation
am 20. März 2021, 03:25 Uhr von bigger
Is this a pointing type of puzzle? Doubt. Seems like doesn't means it is. Pointing type should have a clear direction and no boundary. This one locks the taco between the arrows. It's more of a killer variant to me.
am 16. März 2021, 16:22 Uhr von henrypijames
Hmm, you're right: including the crust does make a substantive difference - it's more constraining overall.
In the future, any time anyone invents a "pointing" kind of ruleset, they should check the collective works of Stephane, as there's a ≥50% chance he's done it before. :D
am 15. März 2021, 16:44 Uhr von henrypijames
I thought I'd seen (and solved) this ruleset before, and indeed I have:
I also believe that puzzle was featured on CTC.
@henrypijames: It's actually not the same ruleset, though it is based on it: in my puzzle, the crust is included in the sum. In Stephane's (and Qodec's) it's not. Thanks for the link though, I wasn't aware of that puzzle. I'll have to go solve it now :)
am 15. März 2021, 16:00 Uhr von DiMono
Added a link to Taco Bowl 1
am 15. März 2021, 14:39 Uhr von udukos
Elegant and enjoyable!
am 15. März 2021, 10:13 Uhr von PixelPlucker
Fun and very smooth!
am 15. März 2021, 00:01 Uhr von Jesper
Well designed! Clear and interesting solution path.