Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Double Inverse Sandwiches

(Eingestellt am 7. März 2021, 22:35 Uhr von LucyAudrin)

Clues outside the grid give the sums of the digits that are orthogonally adjacent to either the 1 or 9 in the row or column. The solver must determine which clues are for ones, and which are for nines. Where two clues appear, they give the sums for both the 1 and 9, and the order in which the sums appear (left to right in a row, top to bottom in a column). Some clues are replaced with question marks, which represent unknown numbers. Equality and inequality signs give the relationship between the two clues.

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Lösungscode: Row 7

Gelöst von Jesper, bigger, Elliott810, NikolaZ, korzhik-by, Mark Sweep, JeremyDover, marcmees, PixelPlucker, Timwi, JamesH, Mesmer, ManuH, geronimo92, thinkingalaud, Sfayne, cfop, Mody, OGRussHood, Richard, zhergan, Crul, by81996672
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am 26. Juli 2022, 08:23 Uhr von Richard
Interesting new variant with some very clever deductions! Thanks!

am 8. März 2021, 20:25 Uhr von marcmees
nice logic in there.

am 8. März 2021, 13:05 Uhr von Mark Sweep
Very fun idea!

Bewertung:95 %
Gelöst:23 mal
Beobachtet:15 mal


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