Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Magical Knights

(Eingestellt am 22. Februar 2021, 00:17 Uhr von Osmium76)

Magical Knights


Normal Sudoku rules apply.

In addition, cells separated by a Knight's move (in chess) cannot contain the same digit.

Along the indicated diagonals, the digits 1 through 9 must appear exactly once each.

Digits along the lines form a palindrome.

Here is a hint:

The middle 3x3 box must form a magic square.

The puzzle can be solved without using the magic square though, so if you want to make it a little harder, you might want to try solving it without using this constraint.

Solve Online : https://f-puzzles.com/?id=yaqeztjw

All credits for this website go to Eric Fox.

Happy Solving.

Lösungscode: Enter digits of row 1 and row 9 from left to right.

Zuletzt geändert am 23. Februar 2021, 20:06 Uhr

Gelöst von Nusi, SKORP17, cdwg2000, Nairi, panthchesh, universe42, jchan18, gige, marcmees, Pila, Uhu, rcg, SudokuExplorer, cfop, MavericksJD, Eloi.blok, wilsig, skywalker, lutzreimer, pippilotta, Gramor, ... linux203, catvatar, Arkhchance, klara37, shoreline, Enkerro, jhuijts, JSmoove1099, zhergan, PinkNickels, metacom, zrbakhtiar, Carolin, Jordan Timm, Onyx, Crul, typo, Thomster, pepe74287, drf93
Komplette Liste


Zuletzt geändert am 25. Februar 2021, 23:24 Uhr

am 24. Februar 2021, 15:17 Uhr von Ryx
In regards to coloring the lines in the software, you could use the Cosmetic Tools --> Line option and color over the palindrome.

[Osmium76]: Thank you, I actually did not know that. I will definitely do that in the future.

am 23. Februar 2021, 20:06 Uhr von Osmium76
I specified the rules.

Zuletzt geändert am 23. Februar 2021, 10:35 Uhr

am 23. Februar 2021, 00:10 Uhr von jorgenunez
It's a nice puzzle. A little confusing, especially because of the colouring, but still fun to solve.


[Osmium76]: I am sorry if that was confusing to you, I added in the colours to specify that there are four different palindromes, not just one long, branching palindrome.
But I am glad you enjoyed the puzzle, and thank you for your feedback.

Zuletzt geändert am 22. Februar 2021, 22:17 Uhr

am 22. Februar 2021, 18:51 Uhr von Wood_Working
It took me a while in f-puzzles to realize that the are 4 palindromes ending in r5c5.

[Osmium76]: yes, that is why I coloured them in the picture. Sadly, I do not think it is possible to colour them in the software ...

am 22. Februar 2021, 18:21 Uhr von Noggin
Nice gentle puzzle

am 22. Februar 2021, 18:08 Uhr von wentel21
Nice and easy puzzle, liked it ;)

am 22. Februar 2021, 15:32 Uhr von Eloi.blok
Sudokuexplorer i started resolving the magic square, it s able to do it the first

am 22. Februar 2021, 14:47 Uhr von SudokuExplorer
I was pleasantly surprised to find a palindrome X sudoku, since I'd scheduled one to activate tomorrow. It was an enjoyable solve working through the pencilmarks. I particularly liked that the magic square wasn't resolved immediately. Thanks :-)

am 22. Februar 2021, 14:29 Uhr von Osmium76
Since I am new to this website, comments and (friendly) criticism are greatly appreciated. :)

am 22. Februar 2021, 04:53 Uhr von panthchesh
Thanks for the puzzle! :)

Bewertung:76 %
Gelöst:121 mal
Beobachtet:10 mal

Standardrätsel Rätselvariante Englischkenntnisse

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