Lösungscode: Zeile 4 gefolgt von Spalte 8 (18 Ziffern ohne Leerzeichen)
am 29. September 2021, 13:28 Uhr von uvo_mod
Labels ergänzt.
am 17. Februar 2021, 01:47 Uhr von SKORP17
faszinierendes Rätsel !
am 16. Februar 2021, 11:40 Uhr von Cane_Puzzles
@henrypijames Thank you for your comments and your suggestion. I wanted to keep the name short and simple. That is why I called it "The Gravity Rule".
am 16. Februar 2021, 11:37 Uhr von Cane_Puzzles
@panthchesh Thank you very much! I am so happy to receive this comment on my first published puzzle.
am 16. Februar 2021, 00:46 Uhr von henrypijames
Very elegant in its minimalism, and in theory not too difficult, but in practice requires some getting used to - I probably made a double-digit number of counting and calculating errors. Still, wouldn't mind seeing more of this lovely ruleset in the future.
Suggestion on the name of the ruleset: replace "gravity" with "gravity well(s)", as in: Each cell marked with a dotted box is a gravitational center, and the number in the corner is the sum of all digits within its gravity well, which consists of all cells whose distance to the center is less or equal to the digit at the center (think of it as its gravitational strength), with distance defined as the number of orthogonal steps.
am 15. Februar 2021, 19:53 Uhr von Cane_Puzzles
A little typo fixed
am 15. Februar 2021, 19:00 Uhr von panthchesh
This is a beautiful puzzle! Very enjoyable!! Thanks!! :)
@SKORP17 -- you need to tackle the clues in the correct order (from what I can tell) if you make a block too big or small, it'll be pretty clear :)
am 15. Februar 2021, 17:16 Uhr von Cane_Puzzles
Little changes made in the puzzle explanation