"Omnidirectional" by KarasuGamma
Normal sudoku rules apply. Digits along thermometers must increase from the bulb end. Digits along arrows must sum to the number in the circle; some circles are two-digit numbers read left to right.
The main thermometers are shaped like arrows pointing at the next main arrow clue, and the main arrow clues in turn point at the next main thermometer. Additionally, every cell along the arrows is on a thermometer, and every thermometer has an arrow clue on it.
The image below has been cosmetically edited for clarity where the thermometer ends overlap with arrow circles and where the thermometers branch.
Lösungscode: Box 8 (r7c4-6, then r8c4-6, then r9c4-6), then column 7 (18 digits, no spaces)
am 27. Januar 2021, 06:22 Uhr von askel083
Thanks! I’m quite new to arrow sudoku and I enjoyed this puzzle a lot!
am 26. Januar 2021, 01:39 Uhr von panthchesh
Interesting concept! Thanks for the puzzle!