Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

红葉puzzles(bonus): (Shakashaka+Akari)

(Eingestellt am 23. November 2020, 11:14 Uhr von cdwg2000)

Authorized by the austandardthor 红葉(MOMIJI), he plans to publish his hand-made puzzles on this website, with 1 to 2 questions per week. If you like it and have good suggestions, you can leave a message.

These are 2 questions, a mad Shakashaka, and a very simple Akari, as a bonus.

Author: 红葉 (MOMIJI), from China, this question comes from his personal blog.

PZV link

click Shakashaka to enter

click Akari to enter

Lösungscode: First,For Shakashaka,the number of triangles in each Coloum(from left to right);Next,For Akari, the number of bulbs seen in each coloum(from left to right);No spaces.

Zuletzt geändert am 30. Juli 2021, 07:12 Uhr

Gelöst von NikolaZ, H1324851344, Semax, athin, ropeko, ManuH, CJK, Uhu, Jesper, rimodech, bernhard, Zzzyxas, moss, saskia-daniela, zorant, Alex, Eggr, Thomster, bob, jessica6, sf2l, misko, Matt, PixelPlucker, LaplaceFox, tuace, Joo M.Y, Maxst0f, ffricke, uvo, Mark Sweep, CHalb, Raistlen, TJReds, marsigel, ThithildeProuv, Echatsum
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am 13. Februar 2023, 07:25 Uhr von TJReds
here's a penpa link: https://tinyurl.com/2fhojhcq

am 23. Mai 2021, 22:28 Uhr von LaplaceFox
Cute idea! I love seeing cases of two similar-looking puzzles with different mechanics~

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