Non-strict Thermo Anti-knight Sudoku
(Eingestellt am 8. November 2020, 02:35 Uhr von kuzmoyev)
- Normal sudoku rules apply.
- Anti-knight rules apply, i.e. no two cells which are a chess knight's move apart may contain the same digit
- Non-strict thermo rules apply, i.e. digits along the thermo weakly increase from the bulb end, i.e. may repeat but may not decrease (e.g. sequance 23345667 along the thermometer is legitimate as long as it follows normal sudoku rules)
Lösungscode: Row 2, followed by column 1
Zuletzt geändert am 21. März 2021, 14:08 Uhr
Gelöst von cdwg2000, SudokuExplorer, Julianl, adam001, Sktx, rimodech, dm_litv, TimE, Playmaker6174, marcmees, PotatoSlayer, ThrowngNinja, NikolaZ, SirWoezel, Ragna, zuzanina, smckinley, zorant, ManuH, morgannamodeaura, mlkj, lovely, Isfan
am 15. Dezember 2020, 16:22 Uhr von kuzmoyev
Add f-puzzle link
am 8. November 2020, 03:34 Uhr von SudokuExplorer
Fun solve with interesting logic! :-)
am 8. November 2020, 02:51 Uhr von fpac
i love the break in