Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Tomato Soup

(Eingestellt am 6. November 2020, 19:23 Uhr von JonnyKaufman)

This puzzle is based on modern pop artist Andy Warhol's 1962 paintings "Campbell's Soup Cans" on 32 canvases--one for each of the 32 flavors Campbell's had at the time. Tomato Soup--arguably the most famous--was the first flavor introduced by Campbell's in 1897.

See the paintings here: Warhol Paintings


1. Normal Sudoku rules apply.

2. Killer Cages - cages must sum to the number in the upper-left corner. Digits may not repeat within a cage.

3. Thermo - digits along a thermometer must increase from the bulb end.

4. Anti-King - digits may not be within a King's move in chess of the same.

**Colors are for aesthetics only.

Puzzle also available on: F-puzzles

There are several Easter Eggs in this puzzle relating to the concept (not required to solve). How many can you find?

Easter Eggs (Spoilers! Read after solving puzzle. Highlight with cursor to reveal):

1. 1962 - the year Warhol completed the paintings - found in the 18 cage.

2. 1897 - the year Campbell's introduced Tomato Soup - found in the 25 cage.

3. 9 Letters of "Campbell's" - represented by the 9 cage where the Campbell's logo is on the can.

4. 32 canvases - Warhol completed 32 paintings representing each of Campbell's flavors at the time - there are two 30 cages.

5. T is for Tomato? - In 1968, Warhol was shot at three times (hit twice) by Valerie Solanas. It is believed this led to his fear of hospitals, which eventually led to his death in 1987- the 3 T-shaped killer cages add up to 87. Also yes, T is for Tomato.

6. Femme Fatale - Valerie Solanas was a well-known radical feminist, according to historians - this is represented by the anti-king constraint.

7. Heating up - thermometers should be pretty obvious because, well, it's soup :)

Lösungscode: Row 7, Column 4. No spaces or punctuation (i.e. 123456789123456789).

Gelöst von Greg, DJV, Uhu, NikolaZ, primovera, ThrowngNinja, Storm, RJBlarmo, elpadrinoIV, Nusi, Joseph nehme, ArisK, Bobby, clover, CaneloC, Julianl, zorant, MB_Cyclist, SKORP17, pdabraham, LongOrteil, ... jchan18, GD20, MatthewDonovan, Grima, bob, kevinyoung90, geronimo92, Steaky, morgannamodeaura, mlkj, cfop, LadyRuatha, apwelho, Sewerin, zhergan, MrBeachHut, PinkNickels, jalebc, mezkur7
Komplette Liste


am 17. Juli 2024, 09:45 Uhr von mezkur7
Sudokupad: https://sudokupad.app/dq1lo564g4

am 9. November 2020, 13:10 Uhr von cdwg2000
Cute shape,Nice!

Bewertung:79 %
Gelöst:49 mal
Beobachtet:13 mal

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