Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Roman numerals sudoku

(Eingestellt am 20. Oktober 2020, 17:00 Uhr von ibogdank)

Standard sudoku rules apply

The numbers in the grid are written as Roman numerals, but for some of them not all the letters are given.

For example:

  • a “VII” clue could specify that the digit in that cell is 7 (VII) or 8 (which means a “I” added to VII, resulting VIII)
  • III” could be replaced by 3 (III) or by 8 (VIII)
Penpa link

Lösungscode: Row 1, followed by row 9

Zuletzt geändert -

Gelöst von Ours brun, sirtramola, Nejaru, zlotnleo, adam001, Progman, cdwg2000, kelkoo97, karen_birgitta, rimodech, ManuH, SKORP17, shinkimancer, Julianl, doppelganger, marcmees, Selsted, Bropell, zorant, ... NikolaZ, ThrowngNinja, lutzreimer, ivaro, moss, rcg, Titonious, Zzzyxas, Matt, Jaych, Thomster, Nothere, jchan18, Uhu, Raistlen, matiasv5, miitz, RobertoMelo, Joo M.Y, ParaNox, Carolin, jgarber
Komplette Liste


am 21. Oktober 2020, 05:02 Uhr von panthchesh
Thank you for the puzzle! It was fun!

am 21. Oktober 2020, 01:01 Uhr von MorganFreeee
Very interesting rule set but quite easy. I'd like to see a more difficult version of this rule set!

am 20. Oktober 2020, 17:20 Uhr von Ours brun
Multiple letters can be missing.

am 20. Oktober 2020, 17:15 Uhr von Progman
Is at most one letter missing for a cell, which means that "VI" can only be 6 or 7 or is it possible that multiple letters can be missing, so "I" can be 1,2,3,4,6,7,8 or 9?

Bewertung:82 %
Gelöst:48 mal
Beobachtet:12 mal


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