Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

X Marks The Spot

(Eingestellt am 11. September 2020, 08:51 Uhr von Djmelee3000)

I’m pretty proud of this and I really hope you enjoy it! I’ve got 5 more puzzles waiting to be posted, but I don’t want to crowd the site. I’ll keep doing two a week.

Normal sudoku rules apply. Digits in dotted cages must sum to the number in the top-left corner of the cage, without repeats. The number next to the diagonals represents the sum of the digits along that diagonal, which may include repeats.

Link to Simon solving it!
F-puzzles link

Lösungscode: Rows 1 and 5.

Zuletzt geändert am 24. September 2020, 22:26 Uhr

Gelöst von smckinley, Dandelo, DamnedLight, skywalker, Imperial Marcher, hatterson, mandourin, NikolaZ, rimodech, ThrowngNinja, Hareeb, bosjo, zhergan, polar, jakob223, CaballeroOscuro, FloH, SirWoezel, zorant, ... GreenMan18, primovera, PreparingFiles, bob, BARTE, geronimo92, PixelPlucker, juventino188, tinounou, Zzzyxas, Madmahogany, Ours brun, Uhu, cfop, apwelho, OGRussHood, Just me, Krokant, gxorgx, AvonD
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am 24. September 2020, 22:26 Uhr von Djmelee3000
Added Simon's solve!

am 24. September 2020, 20:01 Uhr von Djmelee3000
@primovera Thanks! Very nice to hear :)

am 24. September 2020, 19:34 Uhr von primovera
Lovely puzzle and very neat opening trick, I hadn't seen it before.

am 24. September 2020, 04:32 Uhr von GreenMan18
Incredible puzzle!!

am 19. September 2020, 05:12 Uhr von Djmelee3000
@Willy Wonka Thank you! I'm glad everyone is finding it hard, yet still enjoying it!

am 19. September 2020, 05:02 Uhr von Willy Wonka
A wonderful construction! Very challenging and very rewarding!!

am 18. September 2020, 18:35 Uhr von Djmelee3000
@Phistomefel Wow, thanks!! You’re one of the reasons I tried to set puzzles and killers like this. It means a lot!

am 18. September 2020, 13:48 Uhr von Phistomefel
Really nice entry!

am 17. September 2020, 03:47 Uhr von ManCity245
I went through all your puzzles and saved the solutions so I could rate them. Thank you for the sublime puzzles Djmelee3000!

am 11. September 2020, 18:44 Uhr von Djmelee3000
@hatterson Thank you! That’s exactly what I was going for and I’m glad you enjoyed it!

am 11. September 2020, 18:33 Uhr von hatterson
Really like the intro to it and especially liked that it wasn't a pushover after the intro. Had a good amount of bite throughout the puzzle.

am 11. September 2020, 16:41 Uhr von Djmelee3000
@Voyager I posted this at 2am on my phone and it looked good on there, but I got on my laptop and fixed the image now. And yes you can just click the link too.

am 11. September 2020, 16:40 Uhr von Djmelee3000
Fixed image

am 11. September 2020, 11:03 Uhr von Ours brun
@Voyager It would be nice indeed, but meanwhile you can simply open the F-Puzzles link and see the puzzle displayed in all its glory.

Bewertung:97 %
Gelöst:46 mal
Beobachtet:10 mal

Standardrätsel Rätselvariante Arithmetikrätsel

Lösung abgeben

