Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Sightseeing K(n)ights

(Eingestellt am 9. September 2020, 19:27 Uhr von RSP)

Knights are out and about, visiting places around the grid. Help them find their way!

Rules are as follows:
  1. Normal sudoku rules apply.
  2. For a digit n between 1 and 7 inclusive, there is a knight's tour comprised of digits n, of exactly length n.
  3. Digits of n (not 8, 9) which are not part of a knight's tour may not appear a knight's move (in chess) away from any other cell containing n. (anti-knight)
  4. Tours may not branch nor loop.
  5. The box where each n's tour starts and ends is given.
A knight's tour refers to the path a chess knight might take, jumping from cell to cell using a knight's move in chess.

You can try it out on f-puzzles.com or penpa if you'd like.

I hope you enjoy!

Lösungscode: Column 1, Column 8

Gelöst von stefliew, bosjo, Genomico, NikolaZ, jacksongriggs, badelatschen, zorant, mlkj, Vebby, sockerbecca
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am 26. Februar 2025, 20:30 Uhr von sockerbecca
Very nice one!

am 11. September 2020, 01:42 Uhr von Genomico
Very nice puzzle. Interesting solving path.

am 10. September 2020, 16:49 Uhr von bosjo
In my opinion, the tour "length" is actually n-1 — the number of digits in the sequence is n, so it has n-1 "moves". That explains why the "1" is missing in the diagram; it doesn't move!

am 10. September 2020, 14:33 Uhr von stefliew
A tour of length 1 is basically anti-knight since if a pair of 1's see each other by a knight's move, that would make it a tour of length 2.

Zuletzt geändert am 11. September 2020, 15:11 Uhr

am 10. September 2020, 12:11 Uhr von RSP
The 1's tour has length 1. There is no mistake in the given image.

Zuletzt geändert am 10. September 2020, 10:52 Uhr

am 10. September 2020, 10:51 Uhr von Semax
The box where the 1's tour starts and ends it not given (yet?). Is it because 1's don't make a tour, or for the 1's tour you don't want to give it, or you forgot to give it?

am 9. September 2020, 19:28 Uhr von RSP
If anyone would be willing to translate the rules to German, I would greatly appreciate your help! I'm afraid this rule set might be harder to understand than others.

Gelöst:10 mal
Beobachtet:12 mal


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