Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Killer Python

(Eingestellt am 8. September 2020, 05:29 Uhr von jacksongriggs)

A snake appears in the grid. All that is known about it are the number of cells on the snake that appear in each row and column, denoted by the clues on the right and bottom of the grid. The snake may not touch itself orthogonally, but may touch itself diagonally.

Once the snake has been found, it will consist entirely of pairs of digits summing to prime numbers (i.e. a group of three cells will contain two pairs). The pointing clues on the top and left sides of the grid reveal the sum of all the cells on the indicated diagonal which are part of the snake.

Normal sudoku rules apply.

f-puzzles link

Lösungscode: row 9 and col 9, 18 digits, no spaces

Zuletzt geändert am 9. September 2020, 19:06 Uhr

Gelöst von ThrowngNinja, smckinley, NikolaZ, polar, Tilberg, MagnusJosefsson, Imperial Marcher, zorant, Nylimb, cdwg2000, juhish, zhergan, SSG
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am 28. November 2020, 05:42 Uhr von cdwg2000
Important reminder: The snake itself and itself can be diagonally adjacent (this is the rule that distinguishes the standard snake)!

am 9. September 2020, 19:14 Uhr von Tilberg
Ah, now it's clear for everyone how to put in the code ...

I enjoyed it, it has some fun logic and also kept its resistance throughout the two stages of the solving process. I think I didn't need all of the clues from the right side and the bottom, though.

am 9. September 2020, 19:06 Uhr von jacksongriggs
Whoops, accidentally pasted the image id into the german solution code box. Should just display the english version now!

am 9. September 2020, 18:58 Uhr von jacksongriggs
Thanks for solving! Hope you enjoyed yourself :)

am 9. September 2020, 18:54 Uhr von Tilberg
Thanks! Solved it! :-) Nice solution path by the way, not too complicated, but quite narrow.

am 9. September 2020, 18:52 Uhr von jacksongriggs
Hi Tilberg, just enter the 9 digits in row 9 followed by the 9 digits in column 9.

Something like this: 123456789123456789

am 9. September 2020, 18:50 Uhr von Tilberg
I don't understand how to type in the solution code.

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Gelöst:13 mal
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