Half The Killer I Used To Be
(Eingestellt am 1. September 2020, 00:17 Uhr von Djmelee3000)
Here's just a simple, "approachable" partial killer sudoku, or is it?
Normal sudoku rules apply. Digits in dotted cages must sum to the number in the top-left corner of the cage, without repeats.
F-puzzles link
Lösungscode: Rows 5 and 8.
Gelöst von ThrowngNinja, smckinley, cdwg2000, zorant, Statistica, 0123coolkid, whatisaphone, NikolaZ, Realshaggy, Quarterthru, Julianl, skywalker, Ours brun, MumboJumbo, Imperial Marcher, ManCity245, hatterson, Willy Wonka, PixelPlucker, ArchonE, Zzzyxas, GreenMan18, LordM, cfop, zhergan, glum_hippo, apwelho, Just me, PsychedelicCreature, AvonD, valle1124
am 29. Juli 2022, 13:56 Uhr von glum_hippo
Very satisfying little puzzle!
am 24. September 2020, 17:38 Uhr von Djmelee3000
Thanks! It definitely has some odd things going on that I liked about it :)
Zuletzt geändert am 24. September 2020, 13:49 Uhram 24. September 2020, 13:45 Uhr von PixelPlucker
Quite "approachable" indeed. The first half of the solve felt especially fun, with lots of strange relationships. Had to chase lots of digits around the grid, but the logic always felt fair to me. 42 minutes for me at a leisurely pace, good puzzle!
am 1. September 2020, 22:14 Uhr von whatisaphone
Quite approachable