Friendly Negative Sandwiches
(Eingestellt am 10. August 2020, 20:52 Uhr von clover)
An easier riff on the puzzle found
- Every row, column, and 3x3 box contains the digits 1 through 9. However, the digits 4, 5, and 6 are always negative, while the remaining digits are always positive.
- The locations of the negative digits are shown in blue.
- Numbers outside of the grid indicate the sum of the digits sandwiched between the 1 and the 9 in that row or column. In each row and each column without a sandwich clue, the sum of the digits sandwiched between the 1 and 9 must be negative.
F-puzzles link:
Lösungscode: positive digits from rows 1 and 2
Zuletzt geändert am 10. August 2020, 21:55 Uhr
Gelöst von Greg, zorant, jgarber, marcmees, Imperial Marcher, samuella, Nejaru, ManuH, zhergan, NikolaZ, moss, RockyRoer, Saskia, ParaNox, Vebby, 999ARMEN999, Novisnage, apwelho, wreo, zrbakhtiar
am 10. August 2020, 21:55 Uhr von clover
Deactivated to fix a small issue, should be good to go now!
am 10. August 2020, 20:52 Uhr von clover
fixed some html