Prime Killer Sudoku
(Eingestellt am 25. Juli 2020, 17:54 Uhr von udukos)
Normal sudoku rules apply.
Areas surrounded by a dashed line are also called cages. Digits may not repeat within a cage. The sum of the digits in each cage is an ODD prime number between 1 and 45. Few of the sums have been given (13, 17, 37) and others have to be found out. No two cages can have the same sum and every ODD prime number between 1 and 45 appears in the grid as a killer cage sum.
The diagonal contains all the numbers from 1 to 9.
F - puzzles link
Good luck. Have fun.

Lösungscode: Row 2 Column 8
Zuletzt geändert am 25. Juli 2020, 20:03 Uhr
Gelöst von tzael, Yohann, skywalker, NikolaZ, stefliew, stephane.bura, henrypijames, Joe Average, Narayana, Imperial Marcher, Hareeb, marcmees, mse326, zhergan, samuella, MagnusJosefsson, Euclid, Julianl, ... bob, Kompetenzpartner, Uhu, tinounou, geronimo92, ThrowngNinja, HugoSimon, keelyc27, polar, misko, mlkj, Vebby, Crul, Mody, twobear, Ragna, by81996672, PsychedelicCreature, Just me, Steven R
am 27. Juli 2020, 04:43 Uhr von udukos
@tzael @henrypijames @marcmees Thank you for the feedback. I am glad you have enjoyed it.
am 26. Juli 2020, 09:55 Uhr von marcmees
am 26. Juli 2020, 01:39 Uhr von henrypijames
Another suitable candidate for CTC - fairly simple ruleset, but offers a combination of various kinds of logic.
am 25. Juli 2020, 20:03 Uhr von udukos
@Rotstein Thank you for your suggestion. Added Sudoku in the name of the puzzle and as a label.
Zuletzt geändert am 25. Juli 2020, 19:23 Uhram 25. Juli 2020, 19:22 Uhr von Rotstein
please add sudoku icon so people can find your puzzle
am 25. Juli 2020, 18:45 Uhr von tzael
Great puzzle, really enjoyed how it played!