Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Kakuro-Sudoku Hybrid Puzzle

(Eingestellt am 15. Juli 2020, 15:47 Uhr von donut and chicken)

A mix between two puzzletypes that both involve numbers.
Normal sudoku rules apply. (Place every number from 1 to 9 in all rows, columns and main 3x3 boxes.)
In addition, the grid has kakuro clues in some squares, with some slight differences.
How the kakuro portion works:
All instances of the highest number in the entire grid [for 6x6 is 6, for 9x9 is 9] will serve as a "barrier" to separate some "entries" in the grid.
Note: The grid does not loop back to itself, the borders of the entire grid act as barriers too.
The grid is divided into "entries", horizontal or vertical lines separated by the barriers [highest digit/grid borders].
The clues are in one of two corners of a square.
If the corner is top-right, the clue points to the sum of all the digits in its horizontal entry.
If the corner is bottom-left, the clue points to the sum of all the digits in its vertical entry.
Unlike normal kakuro puzzles, the clues are always inside their respective entries, not within a barrier pointing to that entry.
Here is an example of a 6x6 grid where the second grid is the solution to the first:

The 9x9 puzzle:
Alternative Name: Number Combo Puzzle

Lösungscode: Column 3 (top to bottom), then Column 7 (top to bottom), no characters in between; Example: 123456789234167859

Zuletzt geändert am 15. Juli 2020, 15:50 Uhr

Gelöst von saskia-daniela, SirWoezel, glum_hippo, KonniDogo, Isa, snsuwage, cdwg2000, sternchen, Rotstein, Mody, zorant, SenatorGronk, NikolaZ, skywalker, thayton8198, ManuH, rimodech, misko, Uhu, geronimo92, ... polar, pipedreambomb, vmirandaa, Teafling, Drawoon, abed hawila, dodomos, zrbakhtiar, fishlovescat, h5663454, Errorandy, Lovejoy , Totox00, codewizard, webato, jogerth, Madoka42, jgarber, nhc7502
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am 29. Dezember 2022, 22:41 Uhr von dodomos
Penpa+ link with answer check:

am 26. November 2020, 21:59 Uhr von milo
Great puzzle!! My first solve

am 25. November 2020, 05:43 Uhr von panthchesh
Thanks for the puzzle! It was fun!

am 25. November 2020, 05:19 Uhr von panthchesh
Penpa for you: https://git.io/JkMM5

am 15. Juli 2020, 16:58 Uhr von glum_hippo
Nice idea! Please do make a harder one if you are so inclined...

Bewertung:98 %
Gelöst:56 mal
Beobachtet:12 mal

Rätselkombination Arithmetikrätsel

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