Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Prime whispers sudoku (aka "Prime line sudoku")

(Eingestellt am 4. Juli 2020, 16:32 Uhr von ibn Muhyiddin)

  • Normal sudoku rules apply
  • Pairs of adjacent numbers on a line must sum to a prime number
  • Not all possible lines are given

I believe this is a new variant, but would love to hear if someone has invented this type of sudoku before!

Link to solve: Penpa-edit

Lösungscode: Please enter the bottom row from left to right as a single number, e.g. 123456789

Zuletzt geändert am 6. Juli 2020, 15:33 Uhr

Gelöst von Greg, glum_hippo, SudokuExplorer, SenatorGronk, sloffie, NikolaZ, Ninja94, cdwg2000, moss, Julianl, henrypijames, MartinR, Alexander Rappa, Narayana, Richard, davidagg, zorant, pdabraham, Jesper, ... Philipp Huber, Saugust2, karen_birgitta, bob, MumboJumbo, skywalker, Ragna, wiler5002, kuzmoyev, Aspartagcus, Uhu, tinounou, thrap, zhergan, Novisnage, Vebby, OGRussHood, LadyShapeShifter
Komplette Liste


am 10. Juli 2020, 01:51 Uhr von mse326
Actually really glad CTC did this. I tried it a couple days ago and was hopelessly stuck at the beginning thinking I broke it. They pushed me to come back and try again and saw the trick this time which was very clever.

am 10. Juli 2020, 00:38 Uhr von ibn Muhyiddin
Thanks @henrypijames, and everyone else for your encouragement and kind words! Really glad that people are enjoying my puzzle. I just hope I can follow up with one at least as good... :D

Zuletzt geändert am 9. Juli 2020, 23:53 Uhr

am 9. Juli 2020, 23:19 Uhr von henrypijames
Hurray! Congrats on getting onto CTC. People are loving it, not just Simon. You even made him say "and ... I've broken the puzzle" - priceless! :D

am 6. Juli 2020, 23:07 Uhr von pdabraham
Really enjoyed solving that one. Tough but good.

am 6. Juli 2020, 15:33 Uhr von ibn Muhyiddin
Changed the name of the puzzle given @henrypijames's suggestion.

Zuletzt geändert am 6. Juli 2020, 13:41 Uhr

am 6. Juli 2020, 08:15 Uhr von henrypijames
@Richard: I think whether all instances of prime sum are marked is an important distinction. By not having a negative constraint and focusing on fewer and more organized (thanks to lines) clues, this one actually streamlines the logical path, which I like a lot.

@glum_hippo: I think this puzzle has a better chance getting onto CTC if someone who has already been featured there could recommend it to them (wink, wink, nudge, nudge).

Zuletzt geändert am 9. Juli 2020, 22:14 Uhr

am 6. Juli 2020, 07:02 Uhr von glum_hippo
Since someone else brought it up I do think this is an ideal puzzle for CtC, though they do have very high standards, so don't be disappointed if it doesn't work out. In any case you'd need to submit it to them for consideration as they don't read the comments here on this site. Check out the submission guidelines here: https://www.youtube.com/post/Ugy1xIPFXHo1vOj_xlx4AaABCQ

Zuletzt geändert am 6. Juli 2020, 14:26 Uhr

am 6. Juli 2020, 00:35 Uhr von henrypijames
Since several "constraint on adjacent digits along a line" sudoku themes are called "whispers" (as in Chinese Whispers and German Whispers), this variant should be called Prime Whispers.

am 5. Juli 2020, 23:55 Uhr von MartinR
Nice puzzle.
Like the fact that the extra constraint was very easy to understand, yet led to some nice deductions.

am 5. Juli 2020, 23:17 Uhr von ibn Muhyiddin
Thanks for the feedback everyone! Would *love* for this to be featured on CTC :D

am 5. Juli 2020, 19:54 Uhr von henrypijames
Very clever, but not too complicated. Would be quite suitable to be featured on CTC.

am 4. Juli 2020, 19:47 Uhr von ibn Muhyiddin
Added a line to the rules saying that not all possible lines are given.

am 4. Juli 2020, 19:36 Uhr von SudokuExplorer
There was some very nice logic in there! Nice puzzle!

am 4. Juli 2020, 18:39 Uhr von Greg
Very enjoyable!

Bewertung:96 %
Gelöst:58 mal
Beobachtet:9 mal

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