Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Parity Runs #2: Killer

(Eingestellt am 6. Juni 2020, 14:42 Uhr von Madmahogany)

Normal Sudoku rules apply. The two numbers outside the grid represent the two longest runs of one parity (odd or even) in that row/column. Note that this is just the longest runs regardless of parity (that is, both the longest runs could be odd, for example). Essentially, the row/column is a string of 9 numbers, which can be split into runs of odds and evens. Considering the lengths of each of these runs, the two longest lengths are given outside the grid. For example, if the digits in the row were 145796832, this has runs of length 1,1,3,2,1,1, so the clue outside the grid would be "3 2".

Additionally, there are some killer cages in the grid. Digits cannot repeat in a killer cage. The total of the digits in a killer cage is given in the top left corner of the cage. The two three cell regions (R3C6,R3C7,R4C7 and R6C3,R7C3,R7C4) together form a killer cage with total 37.

Lastly, note the inequality signs around the grid.


Here is a coloured version of the same grid.

This is part of a series of puzzles I have in mind with this rule set. I was inspired by glum_hippo's Parity Party series when thinking about this rule set. If you want to do a puzzle with the same rule-set that is simpler, try this Introduction puzzle

Other puzzles in this series: #3 #4

Lösungscode: Row 5, followed by Column 8

Zuletzt geändert am 7. September 2020, 21:21 Uhr

Gelöst von MD1729, ThePuzzler, jgarber, lutzreimer, Schlagenheim, Coffee4258, Wunderkind, marcmees, moss, AziziA, zorant, cdwg2000, Richard, kishy72, flaemmchen, bob, ch1983, celisa, rimodech, skywalker, neelkish, mario_d, zxcvbn, rcg, anu_chakravarti, Uhu, Mody, NikolaZ, Statistica, BrumBrum, logik66, dm_litv, AnnaTh, Nothere, pdebruine, geronimo92, Saskia, MatthewDonovan, abhey1618, stefliew, PixelPlucker
Komplette Liste


am 7. September 2020, 21:21 Uhr von Madmahogany
Clarification of the rules

am 16. Juni 2020, 15:53 Uhr von Madmahogany
@AnnaTh Thank you!

am 15. Juni 2020, 09:29 Uhr von AnnaTh
Really nice!

am 12. Juni 2020, 23:29 Uhr von Madmahogany
Updated links

am 10. Juni 2020, 20:16 Uhr von Madmahogany
Updated links

am 10. Juni 2020, 20:07 Uhr von Madmahogany
Updated tags

am 9. Juni 2020, 00:33 Uhr von anu_chakravarti
That was great solve @madmahogany

am 7. Juni 2020, 12:26 Uhr von Madmahogany
@Richard Thank you!

am 7. Juni 2020, 09:54 Uhr von Richard
That's a very nice interaction between the different constraints!

am 6. Juni 2020, 19:43 Uhr von Madmahogany
Updated links, and correction to the inequality

Bewertung:93 %
Gelöst:41 mal
Beobachtet:9 mal

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