Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

3D Masyu - A Die

(Eingestellt am 20. Mai 2020, 09:59 Uhr von athin)

Rules of Masyu:
  • Make a single loop with lines passing through the centers of cells, horizontally or vertically. The loop never crosses itself, branches off, or goes through the same cell twice.
  • Lines must pass through all cells with black and white circles.
  • Lines passing through white circles must pass straight through its cell, and make a right-angled turn in at least one of the cells next to the white circle.
  • Lines passing through black circles must make a right-angled turn in its cell, then it must go straight through the next cell (till the middle of the second cell) on both sides.

Fold this net into a cube and solve this 3D Masyu. The standard Masyu rules apply. In addition, question mark '?' should be replaced by either a black or white circle.

Lösungscode: Row 5 (left-right) and Column 5 (top-down). Use 'L' for cells with a bend in the loop, 'I' for cells with a straight in the loop, and 'X' for cells without loop.

Zuletzt geändert am 23. Mai 2020, 04:19 Uhr

Gelöst von cdwg2000, jessica6, NikolaZ, sf2l, Puzzle_Maestro, ffricke, Statistica, CHalb, moss, Kekes, ch1983, Zzzyxas, rob, Nothere, ManuH, zorant, skywalker, Joe Average, saskia-daniela, Ours brun, HaSe, ... Matt, Raistlen, Jesper, Toastbrot, bernhard, Thomster, misko, Mark Sweep, 33554432, Saskia, supertinito10, Tajgero, Exodust, CJK, Echatsum, Myxo, damasosos92, dumediat, jkuo7, Sewerin, filmore
Komplette Liste


am 29. Juli 2023, 00:07 Uhr von Myxo
Nice puzzle!

am 29. Juli 2023, 00:07 Uhr von damasosos92
Wow. Just wow.

am 28. Juni 2021, 02:28 Uhr von supertinito10
Wow this puzzle is amazing

am 22. Juli 2020, 09:19 Uhr von AndreasS
Very nice. The construction of the die.

am 25. Mai 2020, 16:48 Uhr von Circleconstant314
It was a lot of fun to wrap my head around this 3-D variant of Masyu! Very well constructed!

am 25. Mai 2020, 15:34 Uhr von Rollo
athin, deine Masyus sind superklasse!
Und dieses besonders schöne Exemplar habe ich mir für mein 3000stes Rätsel im Portal aufgehoben :-).

am 25. Mai 2020, 09:18 Uhr von Mystoph
Gefällt mir ausserordentlich gut, vielen Dank!

Bewertung:97 %
Gelöst:70 mal
Beobachtet:7 mal

Rätselvariante Dreidimensional

Lösung abgeben

