Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Thermal Killer Sudoku #1

(Eingestellt am 16. Mai 2020, 23:10 Uhr von Madmahogany)

Normal Sudoku rules apply. Each coloured region is a killer cage i.e. the number given in the top left is the sum of the digits in the killer cage. Digits do not repeat in a killer cage.

Additionally, each killer cage could act as a thermometer, that is there is a path within each cage that is strictly increasing. For example, a cage of three with 1-3-9 is valid, but 1-9-3 is not. In the case of 2x2 boxes, this picture illustrates the rules.

This is part of a group of "Thermal Killer" sudokus. There are 3 different puzzles, and a bonus puzzle which requires the solutions of the 3 puzzles. This was inspired by Eggr's Hidden Clone series

This is, in my opinion, easiest of the three thermal killer sudokus.

Links: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Bonus

Update I had mislabeled the letters in the puzzle. Apologies to everyone who saw the old version, and got stuck at the bonus level. I have switched the A and I in the puzzle here.

Lösungscode: Row 2, followed by Column 8

Zuletzt geändert am 18. Mai 2020, 13:37 Uhr

Gelöst von geronimo92, NikolaZ, cdwg2000, Joe Average, zhergan, Uhu, zorant, flaemmchen, ManuH, moss, KlausRG, marcmees, MD1729, ThePuzzler, Julianl, skywalker, saskia-daniela, derwolf23, ch1983, rimodech, ... Krokant, LadyRuatha, Raistlen, barer, SudokuExplorer, Voyager, ParaNox, zrbakhtiar, PixelPlucker, wullemuus, EnotiAndy, Carolin, Saskia, jgarber, josemadre, PinkNickels, Crul, forsen, arteful
Komplette Liste


Zuletzt geändert am 14. Februar 2023, 16:31 Uhr

am 14. Februar 2023, 16:28 Uhr von zrbakhtiar
CTC: https://tinyurl.com/mr3kecd5

am 18. Mai 2020, 13:37 Uhr von Madmahogany
Apologies to everyone who did the previous version of the puzzle, I mislabeled the letters in the sudoku. Corrected version is up, with A and I switched.

am 18. Mai 2020, 13:26 Uhr von Madmahogany
@Eggr Thank you! Glad you enjoyed it!

am 18. Mai 2020, 11:40 Uhr von Eggr
I enjoyed this more than I thought I would. The Thermal restriction to the cages is a really nice twist.

am 18. Mai 2020, 10:48 Uhr von Madmahogany
The Bonus puzzle has been uploaded

am 17. Mai 2020, 12:10 Uhr von Madmahogany
Part 2 has been uploaded

am 16. Mai 2020, 23:26 Uhr von Madmahogany
Updated links

am 16. Mai 2020, 23:13 Uhr von Madmahogany
Changed solution code

Bewertung:82 %
Gelöst:88 mal
Beobachtet:10 mal

Rätselkombination Rätselvariante Geheimschrift Kryptorätsel

Lösung abgeben

