Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Adjacent products sudoku #2

(Eingestellt am 1. Februar 2020, 09:28 Uhr von Nylimb)

Standard sudoku rules apply. Also, a number at either end of a row or column means that there's exactly one pair of adjacent numbers in the row or column whose product equals the number. Furthermore, the pair that gives the product to the left of a row is farther left than the pair that gives the product to the right, and similarly for columns. The two pairs may overlap in one digit.

For example, if there's a 15 on the left and a 12 on the right, then either 5, 3, and 4 occur together from left to right, or else 3 and 5 occur together (in either order) and somewhere farther to the right 2 and 6 occur together (in either order). Note that a row like 534178926 would not be valid, since it has 2 adjacent products equal to 12.

The puzzle is available on Penpa.

I think this is more difficult than Adjacent products sudoku #1 (2020).

Lösungscode: Row 4 and row 5.

Zuletzt geändert am 22. Oktober 2020, 23:33 Uhr

Gelöst von Julianl, ch1983, cdwg2000, Joe Average, marcmees, ManuH, Matt, Nothere, pokerke, sf2l, Zzzyxas, zorant, Sango, Statistica, derwolf23, sandmoppe, jessica6, cornuto, tuace, ffricke, Ragna, Uhu, skywalker, HaSe, Thomster, mango, Mody, ropeko, Realshaggy, zuzanina, kishy72, StefanSch, rimodech, AnnaTh, ildiko, NikolaZ, moss, geronimo92, pin7guin, Vebby, Richard, KlausRG, misko, rlg
Komplette Liste


am 9. Oktober 2022, 17:59 Uhr von Nylimb
For a harder puzzle of this type, see Richard's Sudoku Variants Series (387) - Adjacent Products Sudoku, https://logic-masters.de/Raetselportal/Raetsel/zeigen.php?id=000BIJ .

am 24. September 2022, 07:34 Uhr von Richard
Thanks for this puzzle (and it's predecessor). It is indeed a bit harder than #1. Enjoyed it a lot! Amazing that this simple and powerful ruleset wasn't invented earlier...

am 22. Oktober 2020, 23:33 Uhr von Nylimb
Added penpa link.

am 9. September 2020, 05:05 Uhr von Nylimb
Added product tags.

am 7. Juni 2020, 23:09 Uhr von Nylimb
Added sudoku tag.

am 16. Februar 2020, 09:15 Uhr von Mody
Schön zu lösen :)

am 1. Februar 2020, 10:24 Uhr von Nylimb
Fixed a typo.

Bewertung:93 %
Gelöst:44 mal
Beobachtet:14 mal

Rätselvariante Arithmetikrätsel

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