Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Sudoku Variants Series (080) - Sudoku 0-9

(Eingestellt am 9. Juni 2015, 00:00 Uhr von Richard)

Ich werde jede Woche am Dienstag eine andere Sudokuvariante veröffentlichen, und ich will schauen, wie lange es dauert bis mir die Ideen ausgehen.

Sudoku 0-9
Platziere die Ziffern von 0 bis 9 in jede Zeile, jede Spalte und jeden 3x3-Block. In Kästchen mit Diagonalen müssen jeweils zwei Zahlen eingetragen werden, wobei die Reihenfolge keine Rolle spielt.

Solve online in Penpa+ (thx Nick Smirnov!)

Lösungscode: Zeile 5, gefolgt von Spalte 8; für Kästchen mit zwei Ziffern die niedrigere zuerst.

Zuletzt geändert am 21. September 2022, 07:30 Uhr

Gelöst von tuace, azalozni, Senior, fridgrer, Joe Average, zuzanina, r45, mango, zorant, AnnaTh, flaemmchen, Statistica, RALehrer, sojaboon, Zzzyxas, Rollo, ibag, rcg, heiderkinder, lutzreimer, ffricke, ... geronimo92, CGeom, abadx, mjozska1985, Jordan Timm, Hydalin, losingreallybadly, kaysis, mluciano98, Dez256, maeffchen, MaNCS, Incurrsion, goodcity, helle, Javier Rebottaro, k2u5as, AlbeyAmakiir
Komplette Liste


am 21. September 2022, 07:30 Uhr von Richard
Added tag for 10-in-9.

Zuletzt geändert am 21. September 2022, 15:45 Uhr

am 21. September 2022, 02:13 Uhr von Nylimb
Nice puzzle. I ran across this while solving random SVS puzzles. I hadn't known that the "10-in-9" / "Schrodinger cell" idea had been around for so long.

Suggestion: Add the "10-in-9 (Variant)" tag so this puzzle will show up at https://logic-masters.de/Raetselportal/Suche/erweitert.php?start=0&tag_id=9401 .
Reply: Thx for the suggestion!
I know this ruleset is used a few times in championships or competitions, that's why it is part of SVS. I wasn't particularly happy with how this one turned out, but wasn't able to get a better version without giving up on symmetry.
But thanks for the suggestion; it is now in the list albeit a bit off: by number of solves, difficulty and beauty-rating. :-)
Tight fit (SVS 204) uses more or less the same principle, but in a small grid. A decade ago this type was used quite regularly in contests, often among the easier puzzles.

BTW: I noticed you solving some of the old SVS-puzzles! Thanks! In hindsight, I think a lot of the puzzles up to number 150 or so are too much on the easy side; I would never construct them like that if I should make them now; things have changed a lot in the last 10 years...

@Richard: Thanks for the history. (And I don't mind an easy puzzle now and then...)

am 14. Juli 2022, 11:06 Uhr von Richard
Added link and tag for online solving. Thx Nick!

am 7. Juli 2021, 00:45 Uhr von Nick Smirnov
Penpa (diagonal lines are horizontal, you have to switch to Number 1/4 for placing digits in cells with such lines):

am 4. August 2016, 14:18 Uhr von ohm0123
Cool. Thanks.

am 9. Juni 2015, 06:02 Uhr von Richard
Small typo fixed.

Bewertung:80 %
Gelöst:172 mal
Beobachtet:13 mal

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