Place the digits 1 to 9 in every row, column, 3x3 standard block. All digits inside 4 extra windows (represented by dashed lines) must also be different. Two same digits can not touch each other diagonally. Besides yellow painted cells form renban groups. These groups must hold consecutive digits, in any order.
Lösungscode: Row 3, followed by column 7
am 16. August 2021, 00:44 Uhr von zhergan
Tags and labels revision..
am 16. März 2014, 00:43 Uhr von Danielle
Very nice! I did not find a start, so I tried different cases. They all led to contradictions ;-) , but with it I understood the puzzle better and could solve it without case discrimination.
am 19. Februar 2014, 19:56 Uhr von CHalb
Great construction.
am 28. März 2013, 11:29 Uhr von Andre
Sehr schön! Und immer wieder eine Frage der Konzentration.
am 30. Januar 2013, 10:31 Uhr von Richard
Very interesting puzzle with only 8 givens. Brilliant!
am 26. Januar 2013, 20:04 Uhr von flaemmchen
Sehr schöne 3er-Kombi :-))
am 26. Januar 2013, 15:46 Uhr von zhergan
Hi to all. I've decided to add 3 more digits. Regards...
am 26. Januar 2013, 14:06 Uhr von zhergan
I've corrected it. Sorry for this mistake. Thanks for warning...
am 26. Januar 2013, 14:02 Uhr von dm_litv
It would be nice to see the solution code on the German page also :)