For each of three 9x9 grids; place the digits 1 to 9 in every row, column and 3x3 standard block. The following three rules must be satisfied for both grids:
*** Cells connected with a chess-knight move could not contain same digits.
*** There exist no neighbouring cells with consecutive digits.
*** Two same numbers can not touch each other diagonally.
Besides grey painted cells form renban groups. These groups must hold consecutive digits, in any order.
Lösungscode: Both marked diagonals; first the one going from top left to bottom right then the one going from top right to bottom left
am 16. August 2021, 00:35 Uhr von zhergan
Tags and labels revision..
am 11. August 2011, 13:22 Uhr von zhergan
Hi Arvid,
Thanks for your kind words:) I'm glad you enjoyed this one...
am 17. Mai 2011, 15:25 Uhr von miez
Das war cool.
am 14. Mai 2011, 15:50 Uhr von Saskia
@Zafer: Thanks. Then I have a mistake and should start this wonderful puzzle again ;)
am 13. Mai 2011, 23:44 Uhr von zhergan
@Saskia: Your question is not so clear to me. Let me try to explain: I chose the left most sudoku for explanation. The digits on R8C7 and R8C8 can not include consecutive digits due to non-consecutive structure. But the digits on R7C9 and R8C8 may be consecutive since there is no restriction about that. I hope it is helpful for you.