Coded Diagonal Sudoku
(Eingestellt am 16. September 2010, 14:35 Uhr von zhergan)
Place the digits 1 to 9 in every row, column, 3x3 standard block. All digits on two main diagonals must also be different. Besides each letter of "LOGIC MASTER" exists exactly twice inside the grid. The cells labeled with the same letter must have equal digits.
Lösungscode: Give the corresponding digit values for the word "LOGICMASTER"
Zuletzt geändert am 15. August 2021, 23:31 Uhr
Gelöst von Statistica, Le Ahcim, saskia-daniela, swotty, Richard, zuzanina, pokerke, Alex, Luigi, ibag, Mody, geibthor, Hansjo, sandmoppe, rubbeng, pin7guin, Rollie, RobertBe, flaemmchen, ManuH, Thomster, ... relzzup, Kekes, ildiko, KlausRG, EMREdersin, Babsi, lutzreimer, Hasenvogel, moss, sf2l, marcmees, Carolin, tuace, martin1456, Joe Average, Uhu, Julianl, Matt, Nothere, skywalker, marsigel, SKORP17
am 15. August 2021, 23:31 Uhr von zhergan
Tags revision..
am 16. September 2010, 15:24 Uhr von Statistica
Very nice! Thank You.