Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

List of solvers for puzzle Even Arrows Need Friends

SolverSolution date
fca.felix.sudokuon 2. June 2024, 10:18
PippoForteon 30. January 2024, 11:43
lovelyon 24. November 2023, 23:24
zrbakhtiaron 6. October 2023, 08:50
scushuaishuaion 25. September 2023, 13:10
karen_birgittaon 10. September 2023, 11:23
oshitadaon 28. August 2023, 14:44
flipouton 10. August 2023, 15:05
luisdcnton 1. August 2023, 23:42
Julianlon 30. July 2023, 22:41
StfCon 27. July 2023, 17:28
zoranton 27. July 2023, 12:08
jalebcon 26. July 2023, 19:45
Corey115on 26. July 2023, 17:23
flaemmchenon 26. July 2023, 10:17
AvonDon 26. July 2023, 05:31
apendletonon 25. July 2023, 23:20
pkratz22on 25. July 2023, 01:16
Bananaon 25. July 2023, 00:04
corengon 24. July 2023, 22:15
Keaganon 24. July 2023, 22:09
femto113on 24. July 2023, 21:59
Sonkion 24. July 2023, 21:55
taniabnon 24. July 2023, 20:39
Lorenzon 24. July 2023, 19:19
Wahajon 24. July 2023, 18:40
Qodecon 24. July 2023, 17:39
SKORP17on 24. July 2023, 16:32
davidjshorton 24. July 2023, 15:37
pepu273on 24. July 2023, 15:10
arbitraryon 24. July 2023, 14:13
Ragnaon 24. July 2023, 13:54
pepe74287on 24. July 2023, 12:58
onbuon 24. July 2023, 12:41
damyan_rmon 24. July 2023, 12:25
borisson 24. July 2023, 12:05
efnenuon 24. July 2023, 11:45

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