Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

List of solvers for puzzle The Four Killers

SolverSolution date
fca.felix.sudokuon 27. May 2024, 12:24
timww572on 19. May 2024, 01:20
PippoForteon 16. April 2024, 13:32
Lovejoy on 9. February 2024, 23:20
TryingMyBeston 12. January 2024, 21:54
trashghoston 30. November 2023, 20:25
Lily.the.floweron 20. November 2023, 14:59
BlackApolloXon 30. October 2023, 16:34
Komeiji_Careyon 18. October 2023, 07:30
Montikulumon 17. October 2023, 20:20
Kirraon 13. October 2023, 23:41
flaemmchenon 9. October 2023, 15:20
RebelSystemon 8. October 2023, 19:26
Uskokon 7. October 2023, 13:15
lmdemasion 6. October 2023, 01:35
Megalobrainiacon 5. October 2023, 14:30
cloudinacauldronon 5. October 2023, 09:00
DeckersYayon 4. October 2023, 18:21
dingledorkon 4. October 2023, 14:08
Jordan Timmon 3. October 2023, 19:43
Corey115on 3. October 2023, 18:25
Crulon 3. October 2023, 18:23
miskoon 3. October 2023, 14:26
3fferon 3. October 2023, 13:30
lwhjpon 3. October 2023, 06:57
pms_headacheon 3. October 2023, 05:53
Zooksteron 2. October 2023, 22:16
Raistlenon 2. October 2023, 20:17
Runkston 2. October 2023, 16:51
pepe74287on 2. October 2023, 12:21
NeroChaoson 2. October 2023, 10:20
marcmeeson 2. October 2023, 09:58
aityan98on 2. October 2023, 08:07
dennischenon 2. October 2023, 07:24
mjozska1985on 2. October 2023, 06:47
Enkerroon 2. October 2023, 06:12
selador31on 2. October 2023, 05:08
jinkela114514on 2. October 2023, 04:50
nmmc123on 2. October 2023, 04:32
RedBarchettaon 2. October 2023, 00:55
OhHeyGuysItsMaxon 2. October 2023, 00:38
PotatoHead21on 2. October 2023, 00:29
Flintyon 1. October 2023, 23:40
Rexon 1. October 2023, 23:29
Oceanon 1. October 2023, 23:19
Haroldon 1. October 2023, 23:03
Topalaion 1. October 2023, 22:36
AvonDon 1. October 2023, 21:46
zalak_labon 1. October 2023, 20:31
zrbakhtiaron 1. October 2023, 20:30
keenbowlon 1. October 2023, 19:54
mezkur7on 1. October 2023, 19:16
Viola canadensison 1. October 2023, 18:37
Cheloon 1. October 2023, 18:15
cathematicianon 1. October 2023, 17:58
escutcheonon 1. October 2023, 17:50
dodomoson 1. October 2023, 17:10
SKORP17on 1. October 2023, 17:02
zuzaninaon 1. October 2023, 16:15
mccon 1. October 2023, 15:41
Flycatcheron 1. October 2023, 15:37
Ragnaon 1. October 2023, 15:11
gnillingon 1. October 2023, 15:00
Jayden Mon 1. October 2023, 14:44

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