Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

List of solvers for puzzle Arrows, but Squarers

SolverSolution date
Felis_Timonon 6. May 2024, 16:09
PippoForteon 15. December 2023, 16:39
NoobAndrewon 21. September 2023, 17:32
Komeiji_Careyon 14. September 2023, 12:47
jinkela114514on 8. September 2023, 02:29
killer_rectangleon 18. June 2023, 06:56
fickoon 8. June 2023, 01:35
OOOYHon 4. June 2023, 13:53
Counterfeitlyon 3. June 2023, 18:28
Kabuki73on 3. June 2023, 11:04
Schwupelon 3. June 2023, 08:32
galgameron 3. June 2023, 06:39
zlotnleoon 2. June 2023, 19:54
zoelleson 2. June 2023, 18:02
salientropyon 2. June 2023, 15:57
MontyPython'sHolyAleon 2. June 2023, 14:20
rictechon 2. June 2023, 03:02
AKernelon 1. June 2023, 22:00
Shmartuson 1. June 2023, 19:55
Jlrice2on 1. June 2023, 18:12
Crulon 1. June 2023, 15:33
Franjoon 1. June 2023, 13:35
topoion 1. June 2023, 12:06
mercieruson 1. June 2023, 11:38
farodin64on 1. June 2023, 10:04
cbjenkinson 1. June 2023, 09:31
Cypheron 1. June 2023, 08:55
Flycatcheron 1. June 2023, 04:11
GarageDoorOpeneron 1. June 2023, 03:50
ashwinon 1. June 2023, 03:06
AvonDon 31. May 2023, 22:43
Myse1fon 31. May 2023, 20:50
zuzaninaon 31. May 2023, 20:47
c373son 31. May 2023, 20:40
Uhuon 31. May 2023, 20:40
davidjshorton 31. May 2023, 20:29
DanishDynamiteon 31. May 2023, 20:10
SKORP17on 31. May 2023, 19:14
OhHeyGuysItsMaxon 31. May 2023, 18:43
Snookerfanon 31. May 2023, 18:36
thoughtbyteon 31. May 2023, 18:12
h5663454on 31. May 2023, 17:16
StefanSchon 31. May 2023, 16:59
mutexon 31. May 2023, 16:11

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