Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

List of solvers for puzzle Escape the Programmer's Vortex

SolverSolution date
BlacknWhiteon 25. October 2024, 17:17
Agenton 13. July 2024, 04:11
ZornsLemonon 6. May 2024, 02:16
tangobunnion 27. October 2023, 18:41
Jaychon 17. May 2023, 21:14
AKernelon 9. April 2023, 16:37
LUORISHENHAIAon 2. April 2023, 16:15
rmahuson 1. April 2023, 07:03
bansalsaabon 1. April 2023, 03:54
peter.rietmannon 31. March 2023, 18:13
Snookerfanon 31. March 2023, 12:12
ermlon 31. March 2023, 10:28
Jaggaon 31. March 2023, 09:21
Grylluluson 31. March 2023, 08:22

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