Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

List of solvers for puzzle Tetrakiller

SolverSolution date
BlacknWhiteon 23. October 2024, 12:34
gxorgxon 11. October 2024, 06:44
SudokuHeroon 15. September 2024, 23:49
widjoon 25. May 2024, 06:58
trashghoston 15. May 2024, 21:42
NB_CNon 22. March 2024, 14:52
h5663454on 22. March 2024, 11:44
Statisticaon 6. February 2024, 08:04
Mikemerinon 27. January 2024, 17:02
Tom-dzon 21. October 2023, 18:19
karen_birgittaon 19. August 2023, 12:43
troyka10on 18. August 2023, 21:37
zhall12570on 16. August 2023, 08:32
codewizardon 9. June 2023, 14:14
watertissueon 9. May 2023, 18:58
LUORISHENHAIAon 27. April 2023, 21:41
shangchenxi123on 26. April 2023, 11:23
Blake Saligiaon 9. April 2023, 05:41
ahmadasiabion 16. December 2022, 10:41
Jodelbananeon 26. October 2022, 15:20
Vebbyon 19. October 2022, 23:47
lakyon 2. October 2022, 11:05
FzFeatheron 27. September 2022, 21:54
Just meon 26. September 2022, 20:25
Samishon 29. August 2022, 18:39
KNTon 29. August 2022, 16:48
JoWovrinon 15. August 2022, 21:49
Uhuon 9. August 2022, 07:13
michaal94on 6. August 2022, 19:22
by81996672on 1. August 2022, 11:54
Xendarion 1. August 2022, 08:14
Bjdon 25. July 2022, 13:55
Netraon 18. July 2022, 21:46
Crulon 16. July 2022, 19:27
Siebuhhon 17. June 2022, 21:50
dogfartson 17. June 2022, 20:44
cdwg2000on 16. June 2022, 14:17
OGRussHoodon 14. June 2022, 03:17
Bubbaon 12. June 2022, 19:33
geronimo92on 12. June 2022, 12:09
mnasti2on 12. June 2022, 05:30
tinounouon 8. June 2022, 20:46
fjamon 7. June 2022, 19:45
ymhsbmbesitwfon 7. June 2022, 11:48
Novisnageon 6. June 2022, 20:05
Yawnuson 6. June 2022, 17:38
Crusader175on 6. June 2022, 11:08
juventino188on 5. June 2022, 17:52
Klauskuon 4. June 2022, 16:27
pianobarry87on 4. June 2022, 13:23
Ragnaon 4. June 2022, 11:21
randomraon 4. June 2022, 06:19
Nylimbon 4. June 2022, 06:01
jkuo7on 4. June 2022, 02:07
Elliott810on 4. June 2022, 01:00
purplon 4. June 2022, 00:09
glum_hippoon 3. June 2022, 23:42
Agenton 3. June 2022, 22:54
Deusmaximuson 3. June 2022, 20:54
FlowJoon 3. June 2022, 15:54
Dentoneson 3. June 2022, 12:36
twobearon 3. June 2022, 10:07
peacherwu2on 3. June 2022, 01:27
JustinTimon 2. June 2022, 22:46
polaron 2. June 2022, 20:24
ssaperon 2. June 2022, 20:19
Bankeyon 2. June 2022, 19:58
biggeron 2. June 2022, 15:21
dlindberg3on 2. June 2022, 03:08
Willy Wonkaon 2. June 2022, 02:52
twototenthon 2. June 2022, 01:41
koba1917on 2. June 2022, 00:37
DiMonoon 1. June 2022, 22:42
___on 1. June 2022, 16:05
Krokanton 1. June 2022, 14:12
butch02on 1. June 2022, 01:44
DVFrankon 31. May 2022, 23:22
AvonDon 31. May 2022, 21:44
OutOfMyMindBRBon 31. May 2022, 20:34
ashwinon 31. May 2022, 20:24
deltamethon 31. May 2022, 17:36
grkleson 31. May 2022, 15:29

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