Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

List of solvers for puzzle Blackadder

SolverSolution date
steetoon 22. October 2024, 16:51
Tom-dzon 10. October 2023, 19:10
h5663454on 24. August 2023, 19:33
alwaysbcodingon 1. August 2023, 23:13
ibegyounottoaskon 18. March 2023, 23:15
Xendarion 15. March 2023, 00:26
Studernaldoon 14. December 2022, 08:15
Selenotropismon 3. December 2022, 03:50
Sewerinon 7. November 2022, 18:12
Silverstepon 23. October 2022, 06:20
codewizardon 21. October 2022, 16:37
Niverioon 17. September 2022, 00:31
Uhuon 29. August 2022, 10:12
michaal94on 22. August 2022, 23:49
tinounouon 16. August 2022, 21:30
dogfartson 26. June 2022, 04:25
sugardudeon 25. June 2022, 16:23
OGRussHoodon 24. June 2022, 14:50
geronimo92on 24. June 2022, 05:36
michelkraemeron 21. June 2022, 22:53
Imperial Marcheron 20. June 2022, 13:00
juventino188on 15. June 2022, 22:11
Ellipticalon 15. June 2022, 20:48
jkuo7on 15. June 2022, 07:46
SSGon 15. June 2022, 06:19
nevergroundon 15. June 2022, 01:50
ymhsbmbesitwfon 15. June 2022, 01:34
fjamon 15. June 2022, 00:15
koba1917on 10. June 2022, 03:28
Martijn314on 8. June 2022, 13:40
Snookerfanon 5. June 2022, 18:18
harrisonon 5. June 2022, 17:51
purplon 4. June 2022, 21:36
Franjoon 2. June 2022, 15:02
Elliott810on 2. June 2022, 09:56
Mesmeron 1. June 2022, 23:02
ma3non 1. June 2022, 07:59
Phistomefelon 31. May 2022, 21:27
Jay Dyeron 31. May 2022, 21:13
KNTon 31. May 2022, 18:42
hepcecobon 31. May 2022, 15:19
koloton 31. May 2022, 06:42
biggeron 31. May 2022, 05:00
deltamethon 31. May 2022, 02:50
twobearon 31. May 2022, 02:41
Jesperon 30. May 2022, 21:24
polaron 30. May 2022, 20:46
Tilbergon 30. May 2022, 16:14
Vebbyon 30. May 2022, 15:34

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