Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

List of solvers for puzzle Big Guns

SolverSolution date
doomedmageknighton 20. July 2024, 04:58
HenrikGon 29. November 2023, 15:52
Carolinon 19. June 2023, 15:17
flaemmchenon 11. April 2023, 16:32
TheRiddleron 12. March 2023, 22:49
zrbakhtiaron 26. February 2023, 18:27
lsw770770on 30. October 2022, 00:24
Montinoxon 8. June 2022, 07:36
suseon 24. May 2022, 09:49
akoon 26. April 2022, 21:53
morgannamodeauraon 1. April 2022, 04:49
Crulon 26. February 2022, 21:06
geronimo92on 1. February 2022, 06:28
silver585987on 26. January 2022, 05:16
Realshaggyon 14. January 2022, 20:55
Askloomokon 9. November 2021, 21:37
godoffourson 6. November 2021, 21:20
bobon 22. October 2021, 23:39
stock_rongoon 11. October 2021, 09:05
ManuHon 8. October 2021, 22:34
rcgon 7. October 2021, 23:13
Sheaperon 7. October 2021, 11:09
ForzaFcuon 7. October 2021, 09:57
linux203on 7. October 2021, 07:46
ScatterBrainon 7. October 2021, 05:03
MB_Cycliston 6. October 2021, 22:47
Matti64on 6. October 2021, 20:45
bareron 6. October 2021, 20:32
cfopon 6. October 2021, 19:34
Toljaon 6. October 2021, 19:08
samuellaon 6. October 2021, 15:31
nearestneighbouron 6. October 2021, 14:23
zoranton 6. October 2021, 12:35
saskia-danielaon 6. October 2021, 11:11
Barton 6. October 2021, 11:07
wilsigon 6. October 2021, 11:05
MalkoMann2on 6. October 2021, 08:15
mobiustripon 6. October 2021, 07:26
notVoltexonon 6. October 2021, 07:06
ImMitchellon 6. October 2021, 05:21
ParaNoxon 6. October 2021, 04:34
root_vegetableon 6. October 2021, 01:11
norbijunioron 6. October 2021, 00:17
ArchonE-mobileon 5. October 2021, 23:10
skywalkeron 5. October 2021, 22:10
adam001on 5. October 2021, 22:02
kevinyoung90on 5. October 2021, 21:26
PulverizingPancakeon 5. October 2021, 21:02
mjozska1985on 5. October 2021, 20:51
w3leongon 5. October 2021, 20:26
avishaion 5. October 2021, 20:02
Raistlenon 5. October 2021, 20:01
chipperson 5. October 2021, 18:55
Dweezyon 5. October 2021, 18:54
Gregon 5. October 2021, 18:15
vmirandaaon 5. October 2021, 18:13
HChanon 5. October 2021, 17:25
fpacon 5. October 2021, 17:20
SKORP17on 5. October 2021, 17:03
BlackApolloXon 5. October 2021, 16:54
dawsonjones2020on 5. October 2021, 16:24
jchan18on 5. October 2021, 16:17
TimEon 5. October 2021, 16:08
tomruzoon 5. October 2021, 15:59
Uhuon 5. October 2021, 15:42
marcmeeson 5. October 2021, 15:25
FlxCaton 5. October 2021, 15:24
kublaion 5. October 2021, 15:24
Johannes Quackon 5. October 2021, 15:01
karen_birgittaon 5. October 2021, 14:49
alxon 5. October 2021, 14:45
lutzreimeron 5. October 2021, 14:44
Isaon 5. October 2021, 14:21
john9on 5. October 2021, 13:57
mackerelon 5. October 2021, 13:42
Ragnaon 5. October 2021, 13:08
Steven Ron 5. October 2021, 13:02

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