Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

List of solvers for puzzle BLT

SolverSolution date
PippoForteon 24. October 2024, 21:59
Niverioon 13. June 2024, 21:24
apwelhoon 27. April 2024, 11:59
Frutlopon 8. February 2024, 20:55
MicroStudyon 12. January 2024, 12:28
AvonDon 10. September 2023, 04:26
Bobboberton 23. August 2023, 18:44
karlmortenlunnaon 1. July 2023, 16:06
StephenRon 31. January 2023, 14:41
OGRussHoodon 31. August 2022, 00:52
Crulon 28. July 2022, 15:06
PixelPluckeron 25. June 2022, 17:05
BcVcBon 5. June 2022, 16:17
ancarroon 19. May 2022, 13:55
Koalagatoron 25. January 2022, 06:30
twobearon 18. January 2022, 16:16
mosson 27. December 2021, 00:25
polaron 18. November 2021, 19:22
Testarossaon 4. November 2021, 20:19
ManuHon 28. October 2021, 20:42
Uhuon 28. October 2021, 18:53
Modyon 22. September 2021, 16:21
juhishon 22. June 2021, 02:38
SirWoezelon 20. June 2021, 23:22
Vebbyon 20. June 2021, 22:38
henrypijameson 20. June 2021, 20:51
marcmeeson 20. June 2021, 16:39
Cane_Puzzleson 20. June 2021, 11:42
Jesperon 20. June 2021, 10:46
biggeron 20. June 2021, 05:58

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