Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

List of solvers for puzzle Catalina Cage Mixer

SolverSolution date
fingeron 16. January 2025, 14:40
Elliott810on 27. July 2024, 04:35
mezkur7on 7. July 2024, 16:32
apwelhoon 1. May 2024, 17:30
isajo4002on 13. February 2024, 08:04
SeveNateNineon 13. February 2024, 08:02
apendletonon 8. June 2023, 10:26
OGRussHoodon 7. September 2022, 17:35
SKORP17on 23. April 2022, 19:47
geronimo92on 18. July 2021, 00:54
DamnedLighton 15. June 2021, 17:01
soroushon 14. June 2021, 21:52
111chrision 9. June 2021, 22:58
Tilbergon 7. June 2021, 18:42
cfopon 6. June 2021, 23:50
kroutuon 6. June 2021, 21:50

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