Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

List of solvers for puzzle Killer Hugs

SolverSolution date
mezkur7on 7. July 2024, 13:47
OGRussHoodon 7. June 2024, 13:55
Just meon 24. November 2023, 21:14
KatiBruon 12. July 2023, 08:58
apwelhoon 18. December 2022, 04:21
lovelyon 12. November 2021, 13:35
skywalkeron 5. August 2021, 22:04
mlkjon 4. July 2021, 12:46
Vebbyon 21. June 2021, 01:55
thinkingalaudon 19. June 2021, 18:32
Uhuon 14. June 2021, 09:20
___on 13. June 2021, 05:39
Nusion 12. June 2021, 08:15
Nairion 11. June 2021, 03:06
Lakritzeon 10. June 2021, 16:46
geronimo92on 10. June 2021, 05:17
panthcheshon 9. June 2021, 05:06
cegieon 7. June 2021, 10:29
zoranton 7. June 2021, 07:55
chris21on 6. June 2021, 15:55
ManuHon 6. June 2021, 15:04
cfopon 6. June 2021, 11:58
zherganon 6. June 2021, 10:50
SKORP17on 5. June 2021, 22:14

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