Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

List of solvers for puzzle One World Hero (Another skyscraper sandwich)

SolverSolution date
SuWion 18. July 2023, 23:50
by81996672on 29. June 2023, 11:26
pandiani42on 21. February 2023, 21:13
KlausRGon 31. January 2022, 09:09
Ulistefon 8. December 2021, 16:13
ebbelwoion 8. September 2021, 20:18
ManuHon 17. July 2021, 15:12
IGoUnseenon 27. June 2021, 06:09
henrypijameson 25. June 2021, 21:07
Statisticaon 25. June 2021, 16:46
polaron 24. June 2021, 13:56
DiMonoon 23. June 2021, 22:22
Uhuon 23. June 2021, 21:45
udukoson 23. June 2021, 18:33
StefanSchon 7. June 2021, 15:15
cdwg2000on 5. June 2021, 12:18
zuzaninaon 3. June 2021, 11:49
zoranton 3. June 2021, 11:08

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