Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

List of solvers for puzzle The Last Waltz

SolverSolution date
PinkNickelson 1. August 2022, 01:02
apwelhoon 8. April 2022, 17:39
jhuijtson 28. November 2021, 23:26
skywalkeron 19. July 2021, 18:41
cfopon 10. July 2021, 01:04
10feeton 8. July 2021, 17:23
jchan18on 25. June 2021, 23:54
SirWoezelon 25. June 2021, 12:00
morgannamodeauraon 24. June 2021, 18:22
zoranton 23. June 2021, 23:03
zlotnleoon 11. June 2021, 18:58
steelwoolon 10. June 2021, 11:27
Steven Ron 9. June 2021, 03:13
MalkoMann2on 8. June 2021, 12:34
Innocuouson 5. June 2021, 00:53
Qodecon 2. June 2021, 13:03
Konzerton 2. June 2021, 04:07
john9on 2. June 2021, 00:59
MB_Cycliston 1. June 2021, 17:17
brandon_boton 1. June 2021, 10:45
polaron 1. June 2021, 10:21
zherganon 1. June 2021, 02:20
Tom1ion 31. May 2021, 20:34
SKORP17on 31. May 2021, 19:10

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