Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

List of solvers for puzzle Too many men on the dancefloor (Arrow sudoku)

SolverSolution date
flaemmchenon 9. May 2023, 09:37
AnalyticalNinja on 20. October 2022, 20:39
lerroyyon 3. July 2022, 14:55
SirWoezelon 14. August 2021, 18:13
soroushon 8. August 2021, 06:07
morgannamodeauraon 21. June 2021, 05:53
Zombie Hunteron 30. May 2021, 01:47
PotatoHead21on 30. May 2021, 00:55
zherganon 30. May 2021, 00:29
crossleggedon 29. May 2021, 20:55
SKORP17on 29. May 2021, 16:01

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