Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

List of solvers for puzzle Mean, Median, and Mode

SolverSolution date
by81996672on 24. July 2023, 18:13
SXHon 2. July 2023, 12:44
AvonDon 13. June 2023, 19:31
Vebbyon 18. April 2023, 20:18
OGRussHoodon 23. August 2022, 18:14
twobearon 3. February 2022, 15:40
mathpestoon 18. November 2021, 01:35
cfopon 5. October 2021, 22:09
tinounouon 17. August 2021, 21:26
soroushon 23. June 2021, 00:17
geronimo92on 19. June 2021, 10:47
FzFeatheron 13. June 2021, 13:54
amirbeiraton 12. June 2021, 07:43
biggeron 12. June 2021, 02:09
Nylimbon 11. June 2021, 13:42
Quarterthruon 11. June 2021, 07:05
ashwinon 1. June 2021, 22:17
RJBlarmoon 31. May 2021, 07:56
rmahuson 30. May 2021, 06:22
TotallyNormalCaton 30. May 2021, 00:15
StefanSchon 28. May 2021, 18:22
SirWoezelon 28. May 2021, 07:27
Zombie Hunteron 28. May 2021, 06:02
henrypijameson 28. May 2021, 02:55
marcmeeson 27. May 2021, 23:31
henteron 27. May 2021, 23:22
Jesperon 27. May 2021, 19:33

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