Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

List of solvers for puzzle Roses

SolverSolution date
gxorgxon 6. September 2024, 06:09
noodleheadon 10. August 2024, 04:01
mezkur7on 20. July 2024, 09:12
valle1124on 4. July 2024, 14:08
Bobboberton 14. June 2024, 22:20
PsychedelicCreatureon 31. May 2024, 23:43
apwelhoon 20. February 2024, 09:47
AvonDon 23. November 2022, 19:41
StefanSchon 27. October 2022, 16:02
Just meon 6. October 2022, 11:29
OGRussHoodon 17. August 2022, 18:13
Xendarion 2. August 2022, 12:25
Crulon 2. July 2022, 20:51
CronullaMaxon 2. February 2022, 00:16
Vebbyon 26. November 2021, 17:49
Mark Sweepon 7. October 2021, 08:42
Niverioon 24. September 2021, 18:37
Uhuon 4. September 2021, 07:50
twototenthon 4. September 2021, 04:27
pandiani42on 26. August 2021, 18:22
tinounouon 15. August 2021, 03:19
koba1917on 27. July 2021, 19:52
michaal94on 19. July 2021, 23:13
BlueShiftedon 11. July 2021, 20:32
kklion 25. June 2021, 18:49
polaron 23. June 2021, 04:30
cfopon 16. June 2021, 00:21
thinkingalaudon 15. June 2021, 08:40
le bonhommeon 7. June 2021, 01:09
Duarteon 5. June 2021, 22:38
Nylimbon 5. June 2021, 16:29
Klauskuon 5. June 2021, 15:34
juventino188on 5. June 2021, 04:26
camon 5. June 2021, 00:15
zlotnleoon 4. June 2021, 19:42
Qodecon 1. June 2021, 13:07
geronimo92on 31. May 2021, 00:41
NikolaZon 24. May 2021, 19:16
cdwg2000on 22. May 2021, 14:39
smckinleyon 22. May 2021, 06:27
PotatoHead21on 22. May 2021, 00:37
parkinsonon 21. May 2021, 12:55
Polycarpon 21. May 2021, 06:08
PixelPluckeron 21. May 2021, 03:58
zherganon 21. May 2021, 01:51
abed hawilaon 20. May 2021, 23:50
tenaliramanon 20. May 2021, 23:15

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