Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

List of solvers for puzzle The Butterfly Effect

SolverSolution date
Andrewsarchuson 10. November 2022, 10:40
Vebbyon 28. July 2022, 22:09
jgreenfieldon 22. March 2022, 00:39
polaron 11. October 2021, 22:23
Zombie Hunteron 30. June 2021, 00:19
MagnusJosefssonon 27. February 2021, 13:36
EliasKaron 22. February 2021, 19:45
PjotrVon 14. February 2021, 12:57
soroushon 13. February 2021, 00:17
kuzmoyevon 10. February 2021, 17:50
OJPSon 9. February 2021, 15:40
Donna Mitton 8. February 2021, 06:03
medvitzon 7. February 2021, 19:30
PixelPluckeron 7. February 2021, 13:03
rimodechon 6. February 2021, 22:30
harrisonon 6. February 2021, 19:24
kroutuon 6. February 2021, 12:12
Veegodyon 6. February 2021, 03:33
Sktxon 6. February 2021, 02:14
GremlinSAon 5. February 2021, 22:44

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