Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

List of solvers for puzzle Black and White

SolverSolution date
h5663454on 21. August 2024, 09:50
Niverioon 13. June 2024, 18:52
-Tsigje-on 9. May 2024, 20:54
Felis_Timonon 15. April 2024, 12:52
ManuHon 22. November 2023, 15:31
Caleschon 23. October 2023, 09:13
apwelhoon 20. October 2023, 13:24
Carolinon 20. September 2023, 20:35
miskoon 10. September 2023, 20:51
Bobboberton 20. August 2023, 21:08
Hazem-77on 14. August 2023, 02:50
karlmortenlunnaon 29. June 2023, 21:27
Frutlopon 5. April 2023, 21:17
SKORP17on 20. March 2023, 23:01
Jodelbananeon 16. March 2023, 19:10
ahmadasiabion 21. February 2023, 02:20
widjoon 20. February 2023, 08:17
Kappa6174on 13. January 2023, 04:35
StephenRon 26. November 2022, 22:24
St9on 5. November 2022, 19:14
zherganon 20. October 2022, 22:08
Xendarion 17. October 2022, 04:36
wydadmanon 31. August 2022, 18:39
FzFeatheron 22. August 2022, 19:59
Christouneton 31. July 2022, 10:28
Crulon 2. July 2022, 18:49
OGRussHoodon 1. June 2022, 15:18
cdwg2000on 28. May 2022, 08:09
Koalagatoron 16. February 2022, 22:56
jklon 18. January 2022, 21:24
William Cheeseon 16. January 2022, 11:35
grkleson 29. September 2021, 02:41
Phistomefelon 3. June 2021, 19:07
BARTEon 14. May 2021, 16:14
michaal94on 14. May 2021, 00:00
Vebbyon 9. May 2021, 01:33
Uhuon 7. May 2021, 23:01
ibagon 4. May 2021, 19:42
Modyon 2. May 2021, 15:02
panthcheshon 2. May 2021, 08:41
neliss94on 28. March 2021, 21:28
Nylimbon 6. March 2021, 11:19
cfopon 5. March 2021, 00:40
Jaychon 4. March 2021, 18:37
Ampersandon 25. February 2021, 19:36
thinkingalaudon 22. February 2021, 02:50
sudocoloron 18. February 2021, 13:07
Jesperon 17. February 2021, 22:43
Lenneon 17. February 2021, 20:18
Klauskuon 17. February 2021, 20:11
bernhardon 17. February 2021, 13:47
harrisonon 17. February 2021, 13:23
Minoon 17. February 2021, 13:17
admirableostrichon 17. February 2021, 11:40
geronimo92on 17. February 2021, 11:13
juhishon 17. February 2021, 08:35
IvanZ59on 17. February 2021, 02:18
euklidon 17. February 2021, 00:24
JonnyKaufmanon 17. February 2021, 00:11
juventino188on 16. February 2021, 23:56
MalkoMann2on 16. February 2021, 23:44
NikolaZon 16. February 2021, 23:26
Realshaggyon 16. February 2021, 23:13
Quarterthruon 16. February 2021, 23:12
tinounouon 16. February 2021, 13:11
StefanSchon 16. February 2021, 10:45
MagnusJosefssonon 16. February 2021, 08:17
portmanjeauon 15. February 2021, 22:10
kublaion 15. February 2021, 15:13
biggeron 15. February 2021, 03:20
stefliewon 14. February 2021, 10:29
EliasKaron 13. February 2021, 23:01
polaron 13. February 2021, 22:54
Sktxon 13. February 2021, 18:13
PixelPluckeron 13. February 2021, 17:31
Thomsteron 13. February 2021, 12:51
SirWoezelon 13. February 2021, 07:59
Gregon 13. February 2021, 02:14

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