Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

List of solvers for puzzle No they are NOT magic squares!

SolverSolution date
Ours brunon 1. February 2021, 10:06
flaemmchenon 27. January 2021, 12:48
biggeron 27. January 2021, 07:10
MB_Cycliston 26. January 2021, 22:14
Selstedon 26. January 2021, 21:29
panthcheshon 26. January 2021, 20:48
grotharon 25. January 2021, 13:53
NikolaZon 25. January 2021, 09:41
brandon_boton 25. January 2021, 09:17
SirWoezelon 24. January 2021, 23:40

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