Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

List of solvers for puzzle Pointing Digits

SolverSolution date
Caleschon 25. March 2024, 02:57
Just meon 8. March 2024, 00:47
zrbakhtiaron 25. February 2024, 14:02
Bely2on 18. February 2024, 20:54
SudokuExploreron 21. August 2023, 21:07
HolyFrackeron 18. August 2022, 10:18
juventino188on 9. July 2022, 17:41
qw014052on 9. July 2022, 13:17
Crulon 6. May 2022, 14:56
BenceJofulon 18. October 2021, 20:31
AnnaThon 24. September 2021, 09:17
cornutoon 19. April 2021, 15:24
Statisticaon 19. April 2021, 09:14
MartinRon 17. April 2021, 12:10
geronimo92on 27. March 2021, 14:48
Uhuon 22. November 2020, 11:18
zoranton 20. October 2020, 23:07
rimodechon 13. October 2020, 00:27
polaron 12. October 2020, 18:56
skywalkeron 12. October 2020, 08:25
Joseph nehmeon 10. October 2020, 13:52
alpacon 10. October 2020, 04:28
dm_litvon 10. October 2020, 02:26
Gregon 10. October 2020, 00:35
Manchegoon 10. October 2020, 00:24
NikolaZon 9. October 2020, 21:02
marcmeeson 9. October 2020, 18:14
shinkimanceron 9. October 2020, 17:37
cdwg2000on 9. October 2020, 15:07

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