Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

List of solvers for puzzle Killer sudoku: Noughts and Crosses

SolverSolution date
Gotrochon 31. March 2024, 20:09
SSGon 26. February 2024, 03:10
DiMonoon 25. February 2024, 18:54
slowbiexon 27. November 2023, 09:42
skywalkeron 7. October 2020, 11:15
zoranton 6. October 2020, 21:55
Zzzyxason 6. October 2020, 19:44
Realshaggyon 6. October 2020, 11:52
NikolaZon 6. October 2020, 02:43
rimodechon 5. October 2020, 22:05
Sktxon 5. October 2020, 21:57
Debrutsidon 5. October 2020, 17:00
cdwg2000on 5. October 2020, 16:23
primoveraon 5. October 2020, 13:14
Mark Sweepon 5. October 2020, 12:14

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