Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

List of solvers for puzzle Folding Sudoku - Swiss Roll

SolverSolution date
zoranton 10. March 2021, 19:34
ropekoon 31. August 2020, 20:03
NikolaZon 28. August 2020, 15:11
zherganon 26. August 2020, 13:26
Imperial Marcheron 25. August 2020, 16:44
panthcheshon 25. August 2020, 05:31
Isaon 24. August 2020, 20:18
samuellaon 24. August 2020, 18:59
ThrowngNinjaon 24. August 2020, 18:02
Yohannon 24. August 2020, 17:47

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