Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

List of solvers for puzzle Killer Twins Revenge

SolverSolution date
starelev5on 10. October 2024, 17:41
jalebcon 8. May 2024, 14:02
Lurcaneon 14. July 2023, 14:54
Crulon 16. April 2022, 22:58
cdwg2000on 6. March 2022, 13:48
ParaNoxon 19. September 2021, 02:50
Saskiaon 20. May 2021, 18:19
kishy72on 11. December 2020, 09:21
keelyc27on 29. October 2020, 06:10
stefliewon 4. September 2020, 18:40
polaron 23. August 2020, 18:43
geronimo92on 23. August 2020, 01:56
bobon 22. August 2020, 17:16
puzzlemuncher69on 18. August 2020, 17:11
Lagavulinon 17. August 2020, 15:19
ManuHon 11. August 2020, 15:03
lutzreimeron 4. August 2020, 15:32
saskia-danielaon 24. July 2020, 19:52
Imperial Marcheron 22. July 2020, 09:55
chickenspeed19on 21. July 2020, 06:30
vdwestdgon 20. July 2020, 23:40
ch1983on 20. July 2020, 19:03
marcmeeson 20. July 2020, 18:43
skywalkeron 20. July 2020, 12:56
panthcheshon 20. July 2020, 05:25
SudokuExploreron 19. July 2020, 19:58
NikolaZon 19. July 2020, 15:45
FlareglooMon 19. July 2020, 13:22
zoranton 19. July 2020, 11:50
Julianlon 19. July 2020, 11:18
Modyon 19. July 2020, 08:00
udukoson 19. July 2020, 07:42
Soumil99on 19. July 2020, 07:09
Quarterthruon 19. July 2020, 03:31
zherganon 19. July 2020, 02:12
Madmahoganyon 19. July 2020, 00:31

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