Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

List of solvers for puzzle Irregular "Onion" Sandwich Sudoku

SolverSolution date
Gotrochon 14. November 2023, 11:55
Modyon 13. February 2022, 10:49
nordlocon 23. December 2020, 15:13
Uhuon 15. December 2020, 18:06
SudokuExploreron 13. December 2020, 01:01
thayton8198on 23. July 2020, 04:47
bobon 9. July 2020, 00:42
rimodechon 2. July 2020, 00:29
kishy72on 28. June 2020, 14:46
wenchangon 28. June 2020, 03:40
NikolaZon 27. June 2020, 17:58
mosson 26. June 2020, 16:07
zoranton 26. June 2020, 13:02
Aporionon 26. June 2020, 06:45
marcmeeson 25. June 2020, 22:36
dm_litvon 25. June 2020, 19:55
Julianlon 25. June 2020, 17:28

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