Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

List of solvers for puzzle Parity Snakes Sudoku 3a

SolverSolution date
ManuHon 27. October 2023, 22:32
Johanon 4. July 2023, 19:09
Crulon 4. July 2022, 17:26
sf2lon 16. October 2021, 04:47
polaron 29. September 2021, 16:55
Daneel4on 25. February 2021, 10:38
Jesperon 11. February 2021, 13:04
biggeron 11. December 2020, 17:07
Realshaggyon 4. September 2020, 20:53
OJPSon 20. July 2020, 21:06
Modyon 14. June 2020, 17:36
rimodechon 6. June 2020, 15:07
NikolaZon 31. May 2020, 23:10
mosson 29. May 2020, 22:18
Marijanaon 29. May 2020, 10:57
bobon 29. May 2020, 05:01
Madmahoganyon 29. May 2020, 00:25
geronimo92on 28. May 2020, 21:39
zoranton 28. May 2020, 08:59
skywalkeron 27. May 2020, 21:12
zherganon 27. May 2020, 20:23

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